An update from NHS Surrey Heartlands

Surrey’s NHS reassures residents that help continues to be available during collective action by GP practices

Following the recent announcement by the British Medical Association (BMA) relating to collective action by GP practices, Surrey residents are being encouraged to continue use their GP services as usual to seek advice and care.

During this ongoing period of collective action, all GP practices remain open, and patients should continue to attend and make appointments in the usual way, unless they are advised otherwise by their practice.

However, where GP practices are taking part, they may choose to make changes to some aspects of how they work and they may operate slightly differently, for example by directing patients to other local services to ensure the safe provision of care.

GP practices that are taking part in the collective action are being encouraged to ensure any changes to services are published on their practice websites so please check this website over the coming days for details of any changes.

If people need to access health advice and treatment from their GP during this period of collective action, we are encouraging them to contact their practice as usual – and for anything else, to use services appropriately:

  • People should continue to attend GP practice appointments as planned. If appointments are affected, patients will be contacted by their practice and another appointment will be scheduled as soon as possible.
  • People should continue to use GP practices, pharmacies (including the Pharmacy First service), walk-in centres, the NHS App and NHS 111 online or by phone 24/7 for urgent health advice in the normal way
  • People should continue to use 999 and A&E for serious or life-threatening conditions or medical emergencies (when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk).

Published on 7 August 2024